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Eng. IV Assignments, information
APE IV due dates, assignments, etc.
Mar. 28 Movie, Gattica or (my choice-- Mary Shelley bio) Begin Frankenstein April 1-Blog April 2 Chapters 1-4, Frankenstein April 3 Chapter 5 and essays in class April 7 Through Chapter 7 April 9 Through Vol II, Chap. I & II April 21 Through Chap. III of VOLUME III Extra credit for your own copy! In-class writing MC practice
APE III due dates and assignments
Arg. Against Nat'l ID Cards, Ques. 3 p. 616, TIA Mar. 24 MC Practice, 5 Steps, p. 247 Mar. 28 Arg. Paper Peer Reviews April 1 April 2-Begin The Things They Carried ACT Prep Course April 4 FINAL DRAFT ARG. PAPER APRIL 7 MAP TESTING April 8-10 TTTC through p 38 April 11 TTTC through p 61 by April 14 APE III TEST MAY 14 Final Book review May
Shakespeare? BAH! I'm more partial to Douglas Adams. And so...I challenge you to, without looking up the answers, to solve the puzzle in the following link.......
"No more. The text is foolish." Goneril, King Lear, Act 4 Scene 2 Line 46
"Killing swine"
"Mounched and mounched and mounched."
"Where's my fool? Ho!" King Lear, Act 1, Scene 4, Line 48.
so i know my earlier comment is not ambigous but it is AWESOME!!!
"Out vile jelly! Where is thy luster now?" (take with previous mounch mounch mounch...any way you please...yes)
Hey Caligula, look up the definition of ambiguous honey, because you so do not get it. Just a friendly piece of advice.
Actually, you have a very valid point. I was a little busy cheering for Shakespeare quotes to take in the word "ambiguous."
Sorry, guys.
It's cool. Post some more that are. It's still a great quote, even if it's not ambiguous.
Shakespeare? BAH! I'm more partial to Douglas Adams. And so...I challenge you to, without looking up the answers, to solve the puzzle in the following link.......
Hath not a Jew eyes?
"Faith, once or twice she heaved the name of 'father' pantingly forth."
That's so bad, guys. That's so bad. I know every single one of us is sick because we all noticed it.
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