Wednesday, March 12, 2008


In Stupid in America they state that money is not the issue for why students are not learning. Do you think this is true or is it that teachers have a lack in training? Do you think some really don't care at all all?


William Pitt the Even Younger said...

As the saying goes, those who can't do, teach. Those teachers who have been forced to teach instead of do are pretty bitter about it. It's just a job for them. They don't spend extra time outside of class doing work. It's those who teach because they want to help people, they're the ones who actually, you know, TEACH things. That's why so many teachers suck. They don't want to be here, so why should we?

Robert Allen said...

i believe that they just don't care. We are all ready on top of the world so we don't feel that we need to try!

Jo Eldridge said...

I will agree that there are people 'teaching' that have no skill or desire to be teaching. Those are the people that don't belong on a school payroll. As to our being 'on top of the world', we really are not academically. Think of many of the foreign exchange students in the country, the barrier they suffer is a language barrier and yet they still score better than our own American students. I have even heard foreign exchange students say that they we're sent here for the 'American experience' and no one really expected that they would come back having learned anything...with the acception of illiterate American slang! How does a reputation like that put us 'on top of the world'?

Beyonce said...

On the lack of training idea...
Isn't it interesting that we have these little "drop-ins" to check on how the teacher is doing with their classes and yet still have teachers who teach us NOTHING?
What is the point in that if we don't get anything done about the teachers who simply don't teach?
Personally that sounds like a waste of time for the administration when they could be working on ways to imporove our school.
I am not saying dropping in on clases is a bad idea, but if you're going to take the time to do it then how about actually DOING IT.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it should all be blamed on the teachers. I think the students should be held a bit responsible for today's runined education system.The students in the film, other than the Honor students and belgian students, were crazy! They did not know how to behave. They did not know how to respect their teachers and their fellow students. I wonder how many of them actually tried to exceed in school...

Jo Eldridge said...

In response to luella119's comment: Yes, the students were crazy, but that is partially due to the lack of authority presented by the teachers and their inability to command/deserve respectful action of their students. The other venue for blame, dare it be said, is the parents! I don't mean that in the typical, teen-complaining-about- their-folks manner, but in all honesty. There is a lack of discipline in the American home. I have seen it publicly displayed in the behavior of children towards their parents, and in the abhorrent 'parenting' exhibited by adults! Just this afternoon, I witnessed a father swearing at his young daughter, who was apparently no older than the age of three, yelling at her to 'Sit the **** down, before I beat your ***!' Despite the bewildering desire to club the man over the head, I got into my car, but I can't help but wonder: If that is the type of 'parent' that is raising the current generations of America is it any wonder that they have no respect for authority?