Wednesday, March 5, 2008
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Arg. Against Nat'l ID Cards, Ques. 3 p. 616, TIA Mar. 24
No i dont think we as Americans are stupid. I think the way our schools are run is what is stupid
Some schools are pretty bad, I guess...Branson isn't perfect but I don't think it's as bad as those schools. We have a nice clean school n I think my classes are pretty good. I don't know what regular classes are like. The worst thing here is the food...they never have sandwiches for 3rd lunch n sometimes the stuff is nasty
Yes...yes we are.
I'm going to post this before Ali does...I agree with her wholeheartedly. America pretty much sucks.
Oh, little AP IIIs. Do you honestly believe that the American education system is utilizing every resource at its disposal to provide children with the most complete education possible? Look around. The educational system in America is a metastasizing cancerous cell, sucking in creativity and producing mindless (and unintelligent) drones of the American establishment.
Ali I love you. just want to throw that out there.
Oh, dear. I love seniors. One year of superiority makes all the difference, doesn't it?
Perhaps a perfect example of "stupid in America." We Americans believe that we are superior and therefore do not push ourselves to be the very best we can be. We are lazy. We are condescending.
Thank you for proving that, dearest Seniors.
Are you guys blind? The blood red is for AP III not AP "I want to look cool by acting old and posting lengthy comments on AP IIIs blog" IV.
The fact is that America is the stupidest place because we try to quell competition in all institutions! Competition in schools would force sub par schools to improve or disappear. Teachers' unions are futile attempts to protect the teachers that accomplish one task, give bad teachers tenure and prevent us from curing a dying system. We need to pay good teachers more and fire the bad ineffective ones. Vouchers would be the fix of our system, we just need to man up and boot the unions and implement the voucher system!!!
Very true, Han. Congrats, you won yourself a princess and a Millennium Falcon.
The lady on the video who tried to say that competition does not belong in schools was /dead wrong./ Competition drives humanity and business.
Think about it. If schools had to solicit students the same way that banks and phone companies do, they would have to push themselves to meet the standards of the students. What is wrong with that? What is WRONG? It also eliminates another problem: many high-school students are not prepared for the world outside. But if the jobs of the teachers depended on the student's success, what then?
Stupid is a lack of knowledge and the schools in America apparently aren't giving us the knowledge that we should be recieving. So if we are lacking knowledge, maybe we ARE stupid.
The public school systems in America are in desperate need of some reform. I have not yet decided what the best reform would be, but charter schools have shown some promise. Charter Schools are public schools that are free from public school regulations and teacher union regulations. The teachers/schools would then have to compete for the students. This would then cause the sub par schools to disappear, but would also allow for sub par teachers to disappear because these schools would be free from teachers union regulations. Therefore, if a teacher is not good, they get fired. No hoops and laddders to jump through to fire a teacher. I know this does not exactly answer the question, "Are we stupid in America?" but it does propose a solution if people do in fact think we are stupid in america!
Yes, I find Caligula and dr.gonzo to be quite insightful... You college-bound seniors are aware that you will be returning to the bottom of the academic heap when you enter the vast realms of higher education; all of the upperclassmen in that new domain will treat you to all of harassment and hazing which you are due. What goes around comes around, correct?
I think that instead of using all of the money that is given to schools, to improve vacilities and build Olympic quality swimming pools, we should be using that money to increase the salary of our teachers. Many a time when students are deciding what to do with their life, i hear them say how they would like to be a teacher but the pay is too low. Lots of people who would make great quality teachers, are choosing not to do it because it doesnt pay enough. Lets just give them the money! They deserve it. If it werent for then, no of us would be where we are now
I think that the parents in America could do a lot better at educatin g their children and letting the children know that going to school should be a privelage. If all of the students wanted to learn then they would learn a lot more. We can't blame it all on the schools when simple things like discipline should be taught at home.
If the reason a teacher is poorly educating students is because their salary is too low, then they have their priorities out of line. Reguardless of the pay and what money goes to what, the students education are more important than the money by far. Teacher should be teachers because they want to teach, not because they want to protest low salary by hardly educating children.
true dat lilsuperspy!!
As far as I can see, there are actually too many teachers who are doing mediocre work for the low pay a teacher receives.
Yes, I agree that money should go to the teachers instead of extra, unnecessary additions to the school grounds, but I also think that that extra money should be earned. I agree with the idea of giving teachers bonuses. And I agree with firing or detracting pay from those not doing a proper job.
A sparkling point, dr. gonzo. I, myself, have considered teaching. I love the idea of being a small part of the springboard from which future leaders launch into flight, but despite this glorious internal reward one does have to provide for their own family, which, I know from experience, can be difficult on a teacher's salary!
I think that if it is getting to the point where students and their parents have to lie about where they live to get into a certian school, some things need to be changed. The parents and students should be able to do research on certain schools that would benefit the student best to their learning capabilites, sports, or other activities. I think charter schools would be the best bet for students in America.
Ok, so I agree with everyone that thinks Charter Schools are the best bet. I also think that video was bias because most of the schools it mention were basically inner city schools on the east coast. It did not mention anything about the other school's in America and the people that were interviewed seem like the people that have had the most problems. Also the host of that show, was just stupid. Anyway I think that it might improve with teachers getting bigger slaverys but not by much because some teachers will still not teach. Then I also think that if they have evidence and reason to fire a teacher, they should fire that teacher without having to go through the whole system.
Once again Caligula, you seem to think that just because you know a bit, you know everything. Time for a reality check little one. Get a dictionary dear, and look up the meaning of ignorant--or should you simply pull out a mirror? Next time you wish to prove your own point about the drawbacks and stupidities of our society, feel free to look no further than your own hypocrisy.
Ok. I would just like to point out that as AP IV's, we have been in your postition and we have had most of the same prompts and essay subjects as you. Maybe, instead of attacking us for giving you guys our opinions, you should be gracious and accept the fact that we actually want to help you guys out...
but that's just my "ignorant" AP IV opinion
You know,'s just like they say: "Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics...even if you win, you're still retarded." So let's agree that us AP IV's have more experience and are therefor wiser for it and are in no way ignorant and you AP III's are just sad that we don't belay our opinions and that we took the "Please feel free to talk to each other" on the main page as an invitation to do just that.
Honestly, the sharing of opinions really shouldn't surprise you that much...have you met Ali? Show me someone who is better at sharing their opinion and I'll share with you the secret to immortality.
And if anyone has missed the amounts of sarcasm found in this post, please...never reproduce. That would be pollution of the gene pool and would make America just that much more stupid.
OKAY, so this blog has become a sarcastic rant! Let's admit...Yes, AP IV's have been breathing the air on this earth for a year or so longer than AP III's have...and there are people who have been breathing that air longer than they have. On the ladder of a lifetime, we're still all on the same step: high school. Like every human being, they are entitled to their opinions and voices...SO, like it or not,get over it!! Move on and let us have as intelligent a discussion as possible. Anyone feel up to that?
At this point I think it is obvious the we-AP IIIs and AP IVs alike-have digressed from the question at hand: Are we stupid in America? I do not think that as a whole America is stupid.Everyone has the potential to be "smart". We tend to be lazy and lose focus on what really matters. Many people have no motivation because we are spoiled and expect things to be given to us. It is not really a matter of what our education system is doing to prepare us for life but rather how much we are willing to let it do to prepare us.
Good job w.g. A lot of people in our school system and someo f the surrounding school are spoiled, us more than others. SOME people who go here don't exactly think it necessary to step up and do something like get a job because they don't have to. however, for the people who do have to get a job, it really helps give you a glimpse of what is out there and how it all begins. perhaps the school could provide more classes on what its like, but until then, its each persons job to sign up for the classes branson does offer. High School isn't as long as everyone thinks, and you don't have to trying hard and putting forth effort counts most here.
We were discussing the national ID rumor in English the other day...have any of you guys heard about that who aren't in there? If not, you should ask Mrs. Calkin. Seriously, since we're discussing stupidity in America--this puts the icing on the cake. It might be fun for you guys to check out.
Hey guys. How's it goin'?
I believe if you want to be smart in America you've got to pay for it (i.e. attend a private scool, take part in AP tests).
Maybe if we tried some of the techniques that international schools do. For instance, they don't have the money that we have but they still get higher scores than us. Students in other countries actually want to strive to be the best. Students in America on the other hand, don't care and just look for a part time job!!!
I don't think that the problem is with the educational system, but with students themselves. The information needed and opportunity to learn are both on the table for students to take if they want, but some students just choose not to. It's apparent that the majority of the students who are fortunate enough to be having this discussion in an AP class have managed to learn in public schools. As for the schools building the Olympic swimming pools and state-of-the-art athletic facilities, realize that Branson has two of the best football fields in all of Missouri, as well as top shape gymnasiums, track and field facilites, and baseball fields, and none of us are finding that that has any impact at all on the quality of our education.
I think this blog is what makes us stupid in America. I mean how is this suppose to help us, by takeing the ideas of others. There might be a plagiarism policy Breach!!
I second that Reverend... a viscious cycle is definitely taking place...
Branson Scools--and I may be wrong here, this is just from what I've heard--have recieved a lot of donations from performers in the area. Why? Their children attend.
That money, however, has not made the /education/ system here superior. I've been to plenty of schools and it seems apparent to me that that money has gone right to those athletic facities. There's nothing wrong with it. In fact, I'm sure many of us enjoy the fields. But it is a direct example of money being spent in /other/ areas of school life.
Also, I disagree with you on your other point.
Althought there are resources available to everyone that could further education, the TEACHERS should be our primary resource. If we are not learning, it is because we are not being led in the correct direction.
i see Stupidity as a disease that is air born when you are around it you catch it. This disease could start with teachers or parents or T.V. You see its not that we should blame anyone, its that we should blame everyone.
i personally don't think that americans are stupid, i just think that we have become lazy! For some reason public schools are not getting enough funding to provide students with the type of information that they need. Many teachers could care less about their students, and thats why ameica is being looked down upon by other countries.
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