Sunday, May 25, 2008

What would YOU do????

Mission: Kill the enemy in a nearby village
Situatuion: You get to the village at dawn and are scared out of you mind. You don't want to be here, you are not a fighter, but you got for you. You get to the village and a little 7 year-old boy comes out of a hut with a gun pointed right at you. He aims and gets ready to fire........What do you do????? Do you kill a little boy, that is about to kill you? It's you or him....which do you chose....YOU or HIM?????

Soliders were called "baby killers" at the end of the war, but were the soliders actions justified.......or not?


Knightley said...

Yes i know i spelt things wrong....sorry...

Bob Barker said...

As morbid as it is, there is no other choice than to kill the boy. It is part of the horror of war. The enemy put the gun in the boys hand. They already sacrificed his life. It is not your fault. They are the real baby killers, sending children in to fight their war.

Anonymous said...

As much as I would like to say that i would choose the little boys life over my own, I wouldn't. Just like Bob Barker said, the enemy has already sacrificed that child's life, so although it may seen terribly cruel, the right thing to do would be to kill the child.

Pam Beesly said...

Wow, this is sad...but true. Even if you do sacrifice your life and do not kill the boy-someone else will kill him. So either way he is going to die. Talk about bad parenting.

William Pitt the Even Younger said...

I would shoot the kid in the leg or shoulder and then i would run


pidgeon said...

i personally would kill the child because i had to and then find who gave him the gun and torture him

Robert Allen said...

So you automatically assume it was a Man that gave him the gun! Anyway hell ya i would kill the kid what makes him different from a 40 year old man. If a guns pointed at you it's pointed at you who cares whos holding it.

(:*twinkle*:) said...

I agree william, I would shoot the kid in the arm of the leg, then run. I do not want to die but I also do not want the little boy today because it is not his fault that he was raise this way. He is only seven so he also has time to grow up and learn what is right and wrong. Though sadly to say is that the little kid well die anyway and there is nothing you can do about it except the fact that you know you did not end the kids life.

Beyonce said...

This sounds bad, but I would kill the kid. The whole "baby killer" thing isn't even arguable. Whether you agree with the war, or want to be there or not, it does not matter at that point. By the time you would be in this situation you would strictly taking the command given to you by the United States Military under the guidance of the President. Your only obligation in Vietnam would be to do as your told.

John is reading said...

it depends on morals. are you willing to die so you dont have to kill this little boy? or does your will to live exceed your morals? personally, i would have to kill him. reasoning with them is out of the option since they are drugged up and brainwashed. its terrible, but war isnt peaceful.