Monday, April 28, 2008

Let me sleep on it...

Well, Elizabeth, it's like this: I have a horrid secret, but I can't tell you until we are married. Any takers?


froggieprincess said...

i would just like to point out that Victor is an idiot for assuming that Harold is going to kill him on his wedding night.

that being said,

i pity elizabeth for marrying a spineless idiot.

alibama said...


alibama said...

Well, we all know my opinion on weak female characters. Obviously trouble was brewing. Even Bella Swan would have seen the problem with that...

froggieprincess said...

amen, ali...

even Bella isn't that stupid

courtcourt711 said...

Elizabeth had her fair share of stipidity-she followed him blindly.. But as they say, love is blind..that being said, if someone I was about to marry came to me and said what Victor did, I think I would have demanded an answer right then. There's no way someone would get away with saying that and not explaining it until it was too late.

P.S. I agree. Meatloaf rocks!

kathy_cat_42 said...

as usual i agree with courtney. i think he was a complete idiot throughout the entire book anyway.

agb said...

I agree with the whole 'love is blind' thing. It seemed like Shelley just threw it in there. But, it shows how willing humans are to accept people when their flaws are not visible, like the monster's.

Anonymous said...

Why did she trust him so blindly? Of course the truth was not even conceivable, but given the murders and his wierdness, son't you think E would have been at least a little concerned about any unspoken truths to be unveiled when it was too late to run?

agb said...

No, he figured he would never have to tell her because the monster would kill him first.

Camen said...

That whole thing was ridiculous. He didn't want to tell her before they were married because he was afraid she'd leave him. He wanted to lock her to him first, to give himself some kind of security. What a horrible way to do things. How can you ask someone to marry you and then not trust or respect them enough to tell them everything? Shouldn't Mary Anne know what she's getting into before she ties herself to him forever? And why is Mary Anne so friggin trusting? How can she be okay with that? It's absolutely ridiculous.

Camen said...

Elizabeth, not Mary Anne.

alibama said...

Well, E wanted to believe in Victor. They had been engaged since childhood, so she probably believed that he would not endanger her in any way. What an idiot.

froggieprincess said...

i just had an idea...

maybe Shelley wrote Elizabeth as a weak female character who would follow her husband blindly to the ends of the earth because she was taking a stab at women of the time period who refused to become more independant and continued to think inside the box...her mother WAS a feminist and Shelley was an advanced woman in her time...

what do you guys think?

alibama said...

That sounds good.

Or, as a thought, maybe she only sees women as weak female characters. Frankly, I don't buy that Shelley's dead mother influenced Shelley's writing as much as we'd want to believe.

kathy_cat_42 said...

exactly (in reply to ali's comment). they had been together their whole lives. if i was going to marry someone i had known since i was six, i would probably say ok and go with it too. i know that is foolish and stupid and dangerous but you have known these people your whole life and thy never had done anything to hurt you before, why start now?

courtcourt711 said...

I agree with Ali. I mean I love my mother and all, but there's no way she would influence me to that extreme.

big_o_blond789 said...

Either love made her stupid or she was in denial.

Gimmeguac! said...

i really love how somebody actually brought Bella Swan in to the picture. Nice work! anyways... i would probably agree to marry ad go with it too. i mean they've known eachother and have been friends forever. he must be doing something right.

Emily Osment said...

I agree with gimmeguac. I would probably honestly end up marrying and going with it because of the fact that they have known eachother forever. I know that I trusts my friends so so much and I think that with this situation love would make me stupid like big_o_ blond789 said.