Friday, April 25, 2008

Difficult Question

What do you do? Sometimes civilians do not see the whole picture--what appears to be interference may be a mission of mercy that promotes human rights. What we think is spreading democracy is actually the cause of more rebellion and more needless deaths. Who does know the truth? The problem is this: if every individual was allowed to decide what was a "just" cause, then would we ever take a stand on anything? In short, is there a point at which somebody has to decide and the rest have to follow?


joseph smith said...

With all the modern technology that our government has to gather intelligence civilians can't always know the whole story. Every individual can't decide what is a just reason to go to war. The only thing you can do is vote for a candidate who has the same beliefs as you. The current war in Iraq is a controversial one but that is what the elected officials decided to do and now we have to support our troops.

Knightley said...

Leaders need followers and followeres need leaders. Some people are born to lead others are not. Some people don't like leading they would prefer to stay in the background. Most people are fine with just compromise and people do like to have someone else make their difficult decisions for them. Do you think that you would be able to lead and attack on a village and decide what to do with the survivors? Do you kill them or let them go? Not many people can mentally handle deciding who will live and who will die, that is why we have leaders.

Robert Allen said...

I am reasonably sure this is why we elect officials like the president! yes the point is when and why we elect them. on 9/11 we didn't take a vote to make all planes land we allowed our electer offical to make the decicion.