Friday, April 11, 2008

Follow Dink...You go pink.

What do you think the signficance of this character is? How did parting with Dink affect the soldiers in the troop, and likewise, do you think it affected Poppa-San Emotionally, Spiritually, or Physically.


Han Solo said...

I think that Dink is a symbol of the peace that may indeed exist in Vietnam. They form a bond with the old man, and they are saddened to leave him. They feel depressed after leaving him but overall are glad that they came to meet him.

Bob Barker said...

I agree that the old man is a symbol of the peace that may have existed. It also may have reminded them that they were killing real people who had lives and wives and feelings

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is the constant reminder that we all want to live our small lives in our small ways...

Dr.Gonzo said...

I agree. I think the old man was to remind the reader that there where actual people with personalities, families, and lifes. And that we where in their country, invading their space

(:*twinkle*:) said...

Poppa-San or Dink's character symbolized a kind of friendship between the Alpha Company. You have to be careful, you have to know where the "safe-spots" are (you have to be careful so the group is not torn apart), and you have to have a slow friendship and develop things at a good pace. Or else you are going to end up with everyone just killing each other because you will judge a person to quick and end up hating them. You are also with your group for a long time and it does not take a long time to make each other mad.

It symbolizes a type of peace between the men and reminded the men that there are people waiting for them to come home.

HammyWammy said...

Dink to me symbolizes tranquility, harmony, and familiarity to the solider which is something the men needed because they have been in the war for a while