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Eng. IV Assignments, information
APE IV due dates, assignments, etc.
Mar. 28 Movie, Gattica or (my choice-- Mary Shelley bio) Begin Frankenstein April 1-Blog April 2 Chapters 1-4, Frankenstein April 3 Chapter 5 and essays in class April 7 Through Chapter 7 April 9 Through Vol II, Chap. I & II April 21 Through Chap. III of VOLUME III Extra credit for your own copy! In-class writing MC practice
APE III due dates and assignments
Arg. Against Nat'l ID Cards, Ques. 3 p. 616, TIA Mar. 24 MC Practice, 5 Steps, p. 247 Mar. 28 Arg. Paper Peer Reviews April 1 April 2-Begin The Things They Carried ACT Prep Course April 4 FINAL DRAFT ARG. PAPER APRIL 7 MAP TESTING April 8-10 TTTC through p 38 April 11 TTTC through p 61 by April 14 APE III TEST MAY 14 Final Book review May
Is it irony that the most cautious guy, The one who was the most scared of dying....was the first to die? Why do you think O'brien made Lavender die first? Why do you think that his death stuck to Kiowa so much?
Maybe it was becasue Lavender was the most paranoid that he died. Paranoia can be distracting to the real goal, or maybe the enemy knew that he would be the most likely person to detect them and so they knew that they needed to get rid of him.
i think o'brien made lavender die first because it was simply ironic that the fear he caried would be the fear that killed him. i think the death stuck to kiowa so much because death was not as dramatic as you might think. dead is just dead. it really was not as big of a deal as his religion told him it should be
simple, its is Ironic but the author wants to show that its war and anyone can die no matter how cautious. THis is why Kiowa kept reliving the moment, he most likely saw himself in that position.
The death was very ironic. I think that O'brien either wrote it this way because it is very good use of writing style, or maybe thats just kind of what happened in real life. I think it effected Kiowa so much because maybe it was the first actual death he had seen. And the way he fell was so weird to him
Lavender's death was ironic. O'Brien probably made him die first to show that maybe there is such a thing as being too cautious. If you are too focused on staying alive and too scared to do anything, you could easily slip up and get killed.
I guess it could be ironic that he died first but i saw it more of O'Brian showing how a lot of people felt about the war, which was it being senseless and that there were a lot of unnecessary deaths.
It is ironic that Lavender died first, but it gives the real experience of war. The least expected things always happen and by demonstraiting this irony proves the point. O'Brien is just tell the cold hard facts. Why it stuck to Kiowa I do not know, but maybe they were close.
I thought this book was pretty much non-fiction, sort of a romanticized and poetic version of what happened to O'brien in Vietnam. Lavender died first not because of irony but because...that's what happened. Maybe its not non-fiction, maybe I dreamed that. its been known to happen.
I believe that O'Brien had Lavender die first to show that war is unpredictible. No matter how cautious you are accidents can still happen. You never know when someone might come behind you and blow your head off. You can't be afraid of dying, you just have to be afraid of living.
O'brien made Lavender die first because he was paranoid and wanted the reader to see that even if they were cautious they could still get hurt or killed in the war.
yes it was ironic. Kiowa is native american. he has tracking skills.
Maybe it was becasue Lavender was the most paranoid that he died. Paranoia can be distracting to the real goal, or maybe the enemy knew that he would be the most likely person to detect them and so they knew that they needed to get rid of him.
i think o'brien made lavender die first because it was simply ironic that the fear he caried would be the fear that killed him. i think the death stuck to kiowa so much because death was not as dramatic as you might think. dead is just dead. it really was not as big of a deal as his religion told him it should be
simple, its is Ironic but the author wants to show that its war and anyone can die no matter how cautious. THis is why Kiowa kept reliving the moment, he most likely saw himself in that position.
The death was very ironic. I think that O'brien either wrote it this way because it is very good use of writing style, or maybe thats just kind of what happened in real life. I think it effected Kiowa so much because maybe it was the first actual death he had seen. And the way he fell was so weird to him
O'Brien does make a big deal that Lavender "was scared." Maybe he's making a statement. You know, the whole bravery equals victory ideal.
Kat_09 has a good point...
Yeah...I also think the book was based at least a little bit on people the author knew, so maybe he was writing about a real person.
Lavender's death was ironic. O'Brien probably made him die first to show that maybe there is such a thing as being too cautious. If you are too focused on staying alive and too scared to do anything, you could easily slip up and get killed.
I guess it could be ironic that he died first but i saw it more of O'Brian showing how a lot of people felt about the war, which was it being senseless and that there were a lot of unnecessary deaths.
It is ironic that Lavender died first, but it gives the real experience of war. The least expected things always happen and by demonstraiting this irony proves the point. O'Brien is just tell the cold hard facts. Why it stuck to Kiowa I do not know, but maybe they were close.
I thought this book was pretty much non-fiction, sort of a romanticized and poetic version of what happened to O'brien in Vietnam. Lavender died first not because of irony but because...that's what happened. Maybe its not non-fiction, maybe I dreamed that. its been known to happen.
I believe that O'Brien had Lavender die first to show that war is unpredictible. No matter how cautious you are accidents can still happen. You never know when someone might come behind you and blow your head off. You can't be afraid of dying, you just have to be afraid of living.
O'brien made Lavender die first because he was paranoid and wanted the reader to see that even if they were cautious they could still get hurt or killed in the war.
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