Saturday, April 26, 2008

What do you think happened to Mary Anne?

At the end of the chapter Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong no one knows exactly what happend to Mary Anne. "If you believed they Greenies, Rat said, Mary Anne was still somewhere out there in the dark. " But what do you think happened to her?


Pam Beesly said...

I have no idea what could have happened to her. Either Rat is telling the truth and she is still out in the woods lurking somewhere or he could have spiced up the story and really she just went home to America or something. Maybe she was killed, or maybe she transferred to another part Vietnam. I have no clue. Your guess is as good as mine.

ballerina princess said...
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ballerina princess said...

I think that she probably came to another village eventually, wandering around until she found people she liked, stayed there for awhile, then wandered to a new place, etc. If she didn't die she probably eventually went home to America. If Tra Bong was very far away from any other civilizations, she may have died before she came to anything. Or, maybe she did get transferred.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she preferred being proactive and fighting a visible enemy instead of passively waiting at home for a body bag to arrive. As hard and horrible as fighting must have been, it couldn't have been much worse than waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop.

Rebel Without an "H" said...

I think she is still out there fighting on. I mean her lust for the war keeps her going on strong. The only thing that says she might have died would be that she wasn't cautious when she killed. Other than that she is a lean mean fighting machine.

Han Solo said...

I think that if her story is true, that she probably continued to kill in her bloodlusting ways. The way she took up the idea of attaining human trophies demonstrates just how primal she became, and she probably became more and more calloused as time went on and she killed more people. She probably filled her tongue necklace and decided to start over with ears.

(:*twinkle*:) said...

I believe that Mary Anne is fighting. With war taken over her life, I do not think she wouild have been easily killed. Mary Anne seems like someone who could defend for herself and be brave and courageous enough to go out on her own.

Dr.Gonzo said...

I think Mary Anne is a symbol for all the soldiers. So i think she is still fighting, even today. Just like how there is a part in all the veterans that was taken away by Vietnam and is still there.

Gimmeguac! said...

I think that by ow... mary anne is long gone. however, i thik that she spent a long life out in the wild... swinging with monkeys or something.there is no human left in her.

snorkle!!! said...

I think she wandered off and continued to fight. After a while, however, I think the war probably got the best of her, and she died. I know that sounds morbid but the war was tough and I think anyone who was that involved in the war could have had that same kind of devastating change in fate. I think all that is left is a memory of her.

chad said...

i think that rat kiley exaggerated on the ending of the story. my guess is that she probably roamed around into a new town or died, i definatley dont think that she was a ghost that haunted soliders by jumping out in the bushes. and as for the search party, vietnam is a big place, with alot of destruction,it could be easy not to find a person.

ChocolateLover said...

I don't think she would have gone back to America, unless Rat exaggerated about how much she had changed since going to Vietnam. If she really changed as much as Rat said she did, she would have wanted to stay and fight. She was probably still roaming around in the forest somewhere.

Knightley said...

She probably went crazy from all the stress and constant fear. She was brave, but I bet she died in the jungle somewhere. Maybe not immediatley, but she did eventually. I figure most of the story is true and I'm glad that they talk about a girl solider in the book, even if she wasn't technically a "solider". The guys in that story seem to be numb from all the fighting and war, but she fought and embraced it. I really liked her.

Emily Osment said...

Honestly, this is a hard one. I believe since she ended up being so passionate about the war, she fought hard for a while. In the end I think that she probably got herself into some scruffy situation and got killed in battle, but who knows. She was a brave girl!

HammyWammy said...

I dont what could have happen to her even though she was brave enough to go she could have gone crazy from the fear from the war.

Robert Allen said...

i'm with aimee. it seems like she might have been a drifter which would explain her going back in to the woods.

Beyonce said...

I think she just ended up staying there in Vietnam mostly with the Green Berets at least while the while was going on. Although I'm not sure what she would have done after the war.