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Eng. IV Assignments, information
APE IV due dates, assignments, etc.
Mar. 28 Movie, Gattica or (my choice-- Mary Shelley bio) Begin Frankenstein April 1-Blog April 2 Chapters 1-4, Frankenstein April 3 Chapter 5 and essays in class April 7 Through Chapter 7 April 9 Through Vol II, Chap. I & II April 21 Through Chap. III of VOLUME III Extra credit for your own copy! In-class writing MC practice
APE III due dates and assignments
Arg. Against Nat'l ID Cards, Ques. 3 p. 616, TIA Mar. 24 MC Practice, 5 Steps, p. 247 Mar. 28 Arg. Paper Peer Reviews April 1 April 2-Begin The Things They Carried ACT Prep Course April 4 FINAL DRAFT ARG. PAPER APRIL 7 MAP TESTING April 8-10 TTTC through p 38 April 11 TTTC through p 61 by April 14 APE III TEST MAY 14 Final Book review May
Grilled Cheese Sandwhich all the way its elastic so it can take a punch and it is full of calcium and who even bothers putting reruns of Invader Zim om tn anymore?
Nickelodeon does, and I happen to own every episode ever made because it is amazing! You don't have to like it, but please don't make fun of those who do. :P
Not making fun just wondering. So what is so good about it? They are aliens right, that do what? Try to take over the world? Or just live here wearing customes?
Both, actually. Zim is indeed an alien who is sent to Earth to destroy it...but the thing is that he's a terrible invader and there's this human kid trying to stop him...and he has this idiot robot that is so amazing! The cartoon makes all kinds of references that most kids wouldn't get but as an adult they're hilarious. That's why the show got cancelled.
I love the little tacos. I love them good!
YES Ali!
I'm so glad someone else loves Zim too.
Tacos would totally kick grilled cheese butt, ask The Crazy Taco Man!
Well, I think the grilled cheese sandwich - in a fair fight. But if it was prison rules, I'd put my money on the taco.
Grilled Cheese Sandwhich all the way its elastic so it can take a punch and it is full of calcium and who even bothers putting reruns of Invader Zim om tn anymore?
Nickelodeon does, and I happen to own every episode ever made because it is amazing! You don't have to like it, but please don't make fun of those who do. :P
Not making fun just wondering. So what is so good about it? They are aliens right, that do what? Try to take over the world? Or just live here wearing customes?
Both, actually. Zim is indeed an alien who is sent to Earth to destroy it...but the thing is that he's a terrible invader and there's this human kid trying to stop him...and he has this idiot robot that is so amazing! The cartoon makes all kinds of references that most kids wouldn't get but as an adult they're hilarious. That's why the show got cancelled.
Grilled Cheese would definetely win because i think that it tastes better and that would make it win. He's got buddies behind him
Okay Mrs. C this post is for you. You were asking about Invader's an introduction.
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