Friday, April 4, 2008

With great gifts...

Does Victor owe anything to his creation? Does anything alleviate this responsibility? Any modern parallels?


froggieprincess said...

Umm...yeah, Victor owes A LOT to his creation. Even though he thinks that the "monster" killed William, he still should have taken responsibility for his actions and not let him escape. The monster is pretty much his child and, last time i checked, you're supossed to take care of the things you create. This includes ginormous, hideous, part animal, murderous monsters that you bring to life with electricity.

alibama said...

Creating a monster is like making a baby: with great power comes great responsibility and all that. If you give life to something else, you should be obligated to either take care of it or find someone who will. The end.

courtcourt711 said...

I agree with Ali. Victor Frankenstein needs to take a serious lesson from Spiderman, and take it to heart. So the monster was hideous, and huge and scary, and potentially dangerous--what in the HECK did he think it was going to be like?!?! If it was ugly when it was dead, guess what?? Coming to life doesn't make people any prettier!! That doesn't mean that he can just run away and pretend that the thing doesn't exist! He HAS to take care of it! IF the monster did kill the child, he probably had a reason. If MY father saw me, then screamed and ran away, I'd be bitter too. This might even lead to jealousy towards those lucky children that ARE loved by their parents.
Poor thing. Frankenstein owes him a lot.

kathy_cat_42 said...

exactly. (that was in reply to Ali) if he didn't want to take responsibility for the things he created, even if they are murderous monsters, then he should have left well enough alone.....or he could at least put it up for adoption. lol sorry had to say it.

Camen said...

Under absolutely no circumstances should you ever run and leave your child/creation/whatever to fend for itself. The creature is helpless. Victor was a fool, but just because you are foolish does not justify abandoning a living thing, regardless of how that living thing came into being. Perhaps the creature should never have existed, but it exists now, and that means Victor bears full responsibility for its welfare. It ticks me off to no end, knowing that human beings can really be that disgustingly foolish and self-centered.

n00bslayer7000000000 said...

should have had an abortion! lolz

agb said...

I absolutely agree Camen. Humans are the true monsters.

Sir Kills'alott said...

"I won't say it but it rhymes with shmashmortion."

MustangMan66 said...

The monster is his child and no matter what he needs to take responsibilty for it and take care of him. This relates to today how people are trying to make babies how they want them to be and if they done turn out the right way they get rid of them, by abortion, adaption, or microwave in some cases. Humanity is quite sick and messed up. I think we need to let God do his job of creating and taking life and just stop putting babies in microwaves I mean come on - is there even a punishment that mathches up to that?

courtcourt711 said...

Putting it in a paper bag in the closet/and or freezing it comes close I think....