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Eng. IV Assignments, information
APE IV due dates, assignments, etc.
Mar. 28 Movie, Gattica or (my choice-- Mary Shelley bio) Begin Frankenstein April 1-Blog April 2 Chapters 1-4, Frankenstein April 3 Chapter 5 and essays in class April 7 Through Chapter 7 April 9 Through Vol II, Chap. I & II April 21 Through Chap. III of VOLUME III Extra credit for your own copy! In-class writing MC practice
APE III due dates and assignments
Arg. Against Nat'l ID Cards, Ques. 3 p. 616, TIA Mar. 24 MC Practice, 5 Steps, p. 247 Mar. 28 Arg. Paper Peer Reviews April 1 April 2-Begin The Things They Carried ACT Prep Course April 4 FINAL DRAFT ARG. PAPER APRIL 7 MAP TESTING April 8-10 TTTC through p 38 April 11 TTTC through p 61 by April 14 APE III TEST MAY 14 Final Book review May
Well, rhyming makes it much better for inspirational posters and employee motivational gifts...but I am a cynic...believing is nice, but not adequate...our boy Victor did have a work ethic bordering on the obsessive to make his belief crazy as it was...but you won't work for anything you don't believe in...or at least I won't.
If you believe in something and put your mind and work ethic to it then I think you can achieve anything. You might not achieve it the first time, or the second, or the third but if you dont give up and stay with I think you will achieve it. The universe has a way of working out for those who try, at least I think it does. And if you dont achieve something then maybe you were never suppose to achieve it anyways, um least that is what i am saying about my college to keep me sane lol.
Okay, well the day I see you soaring through the sky of your own accord, I'll gladly get down on my knees and beg for forgiveness. Until then, good luck with that but I'm going to stick with the truth. I don't enjoy lying to myself, it makes me feel like a bad person. And then I argue with myself and...its a bad deal.
Wait, though--VF had to BELIEVE he could create life before he would attempt it (idiot) and while you don't believe that you can fly with your own puny arms, (nor can I), you do believe that you can harness science and fly. Don't bother harnessing an umbrella and jumping out of the hayloft, though. What you experience, reagardless of what you big brother tells you, IS NOT FLYING.
Well I am talking about things that are actually humanly possible, not things that happen in made up cartoons like Invader Zim. And hey, who knows one day I might be able to fly, technology has come a long way and still has a long way to go. If you say an idea is impossible before even trying then you are making the idea fail allready without any proof to back it up. Why not go ahead and try, then fail, and then know for sure. And I would not try this theory out by jumping off a building. Like I said things that are humanly possible.
*concedes* touche. As long as that's clarified...but I still don't think that you can attain something just by believing you can. It seems more complicated than that.
And yeah, jumping off the house with a blanked tied around your neck like a cape doesn't work either.
And you can't steer a red rider wagon from the inside. Just throwing that out there. You can obtain high speeds going down a hill though.
Well, rhyming makes it much better for inspirational posters and employee motivational gifts...but I am a cynic...believing is nice, but not adequate...our boy Victor did have a work ethic bordering on the obsessive to make his belief crazy as it was...but you won't work for anything you don't believe in...or at least I won't.
I could sing "I believe I can fly all day long" but I guarantee that if I jump off a building the ground and I will pow-wow REAL QUICK.
For that to work the bar must be set very low
NO! it doesnt work i have set my mind to flying without a plane or anything for years and IT DOESNT WORK!!!!!!!!
if the the belief is in the reality of one's capability...then why not try. Why else are we here?
If you believe in something and put your mind and work ethic to it then I think you can achieve anything. You might not achieve it the first time, or the second, or the third but if you dont give up and stay with I think you will achieve it. The universe has a way of working out for those who try, at least I think it does. And if you dont achieve something then maybe you were never suppose to achieve it anyways, um least that is what i am saying about my college to keep me sane lol.
Okay, well the day I see you soaring through the sky of your own accord, I'll gladly get down on my knees and beg for forgiveness. Until then, good luck with that but I'm going to stick with the truth. I don't enjoy lying to myself, it makes me feel like a bad person. And then I argue with myself and...its a bad deal.
Wait, though--VF had to BELIEVE he could create life before he would attempt it (idiot) and while you don't believe that you can fly with your own puny arms, (nor can I), you do believe that you can harness science and fly. Don't bother harnessing an umbrella and jumping out of the hayloft, though. What you experience, reagardless of what you big brother tells you, IS NOT FLYING.
Well I am talking about things that are actually humanly possible, not things that happen in made up cartoons like Invader Zim. And hey, who knows one day I might be able to fly, technology has come a long way and still has a long way to go. If you say an idea is impossible before even trying then you are making the idea fail allready without any proof to back it up. Why not go ahead and try, then fail, and then know for sure. And I would not try this theory out by jumping off a building. Like I said things that are humanly possible.
*concedes* touche. As long as that's clarified...but I still don't think that you can attain something just by believing you can. It seems more complicated than that.
And yeah, jumping off the house with a blanked tied around your neck like a cape doesn't work either.
And you can't steer a red rider wagon from the inside. Just throwing that out there. You can obtain high speeds going down a hill though.
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